Message from the Dean

CA Faculty’s Creative Work Showcase is one of the important annual projects of Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts. The significant objective of the showcase is to be the center stage for the creative work projects for CA lecturers. In addition, the showcase is opened for other qualified works of CA alumni and students as well.

“Change” is the sub-theme of  CA Faculty’s Creative Work Showcase this year. Coincidentally, the showcase is changed to an online platform. Unexpected situations can happen all the time; however, the school research committee team is ready for the change as well. They have conquered all the problems with strong teamwork. The teamwork of our school and our CA community is getting closer, better, and stronger. Nothing we have to be worried about if we have each other.

I would like to thank all lecturers and alumni who submitted the good work to the exhibition.

Thank you for the effort of the research committee, the research committee chairman, and the website committee chairman.

A. Darunee Sa-Aredee
Dean, Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts,
Assumption University

Albert Laurence School of
Communication Arts,
Assumption University