Dr. Chonnikarn Thienthaworn

CHangE is a CHoicE

Type          Interactive A2 Poster
Technic     QR Code Survey

The world is changing. As can be seen through a couple of year, there have been many news reporting about the loss of lives and assets caused by the environmental problem; for example, wildfire in Australia, PM 2.5 air pollution, global warming, waste issue etc. This shows that the world is facing a serious environmental problem and it requires people to change their mindsets and behaviors.

Therefore, this A2 poster, which is one of public relations materials for the social campaign communication, is generated to deliver a message to Assumption University people and all exhibition visitors about the change through the concept of ‘CHangE is a CHoicE’. This is to convey that it depends on them either to skip this A2 poster or to make a change by following what poster stated and get one small electronic tree pot as a memorable gift for making a choice to change.

With the design concept of interactive A2 poster, designer intended to present

the word spell similarity of ‘Change’ and ‘Choice’ by using capital letter for “C, H and E” letters for both terms, and aimed to show the continuous linkage of the sentence

‘change is a choice’ by filling in the rest letters of each word in form of small letters among three capital letters C H E. Besides, pink and grey colors, which are two color identities of ‘Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts’, were selected to be colors of the art work. The purpose is to deliver a message that ‘communication can drive a change’.

The half space left at the bottom of the poster was designed to show the alternative choices for visitors to make a decision; do nothing and walk pass or scan QR code to make a change by answering a few questions and having a checklist as a reminder to self about what the choices they have done. To be specific, the choice A: do nothing and walk pass, designer used dark tone color like ‘grey’ to present the incorrect way of choice whereas the choice B: follow what the posted sated to make a change, designer used bright tone color like’ pink’ to present the bright side as an appropriate way of choice. Before leaving, only visitors who don’t walk pass and scan QR code to join the activity, will be rewarded with a free small electronic tree pot. The aim is to make them feel that a choice to save the environment can start from the easiest change like ‘start planting a small tree’.

Department of Public Relations
Albert Laurence School of Communication Arts,
Assumption University