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CA Advising Day

📢 CA Advising Period🔔
CCC students: 1 – 29 Feb 2024

🖐The CA advising period is just around the corner, and we want to ensure that you are well-prepared for your academic journey. 🎓✨

Follow these 4 steps to make the most out of your advising experience:

1️⃣ Visit our website at www.ca.au.edu to download the study plan and course offerings documents.

2️⃣ Prepare your study plan using the downloaded materials.

3️⃣ Reserve your appointment slot on AU Spark! Log in now and secure a convenient time to meet your advisor.

4️⃣ Attend your advising session on the specified date and time with your completed study plan in hand. This step is essential for unlocking your registration completely.

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